Painful symptoms of cystitis are difficult to confuse with simple maltreatment. The frequent urge to go to the bathroom with pain and cramping during urination can throw you off your regular schedule for several days. So that the disease does not surprise you and does not spoil important plans, you should have a fast-acting and cheap medicine for cystitis for women in your medicine cabinet.

Quick relief from the symptoms of the disease
Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the bladder, caused by infections, injuries or a general decrease in immunity.
There are many factors that predispose to the development of urological diseases. We all heard in childhood that we should not sit in the cold. However, in addition to freezing of the pelvic area, the provocateurs of the disease can be:
- long-term and uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
- incorrect anatomical location of the female urethra;
- hormonal imbalance;
- vaginal infections and dysbacteriosis;
- non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules;
- wearing tight and synthetic underwear;
- washing with aggressive soaps or scented gels;
- rough sex or active sex life after a period of abstinence.
The inflammatory process of the urinary system is characterized by a sudden and striking debut. Women notice a sharp increase in the desire to urinate (often false), pain in the urethra, pain in the suprapubic region, increased body temperature, nausea, chills and general weakness.
Such an illness can disrupt all your plans and leave you without work for several days. Therefore, the issue of quick relief from painful symptoms is extremely important.
Treatment of cystitis in women with fast-acting drugs is used in several situations:
- During an outbreak of acute cystitis.Medicines are designed to quickly relieve pain and eliminate discomfort during urination. Medicines are used for emergency care, but they do not provide complete therapy within 1-2 days. After the elimination of painful symptoms, the treatment should be continued for 3-5 days.
- For the prevention of chronic inflammation.In the life of women with anatomical features of the structure of the urethra or with a tendency to postcoital cyst, the risk factors for the aggravation of the disease are constantly present. To prevent exacerbations, they are prescribed fast-acting medications. Medicines should be taken before symptoms appear, in cases that usually lead to a relapse of the disease.
- For the treatment of exacerbations of chronic cystitis.Symptoms of irritations almost do not differ from the acute form of the disease. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to alleviate the general condition of the patient and eliminate regret. For this, fast-acting drugs are used. Further, as with conventional therapy, the medication continues. The chronic form of the disease may require longer treatment with medications after the main symptoms disappear.
Treatment of acute cystitis in one day
A drug from the group of phosphonic acid derivatives is the best fast-acting uroseptic for inflammation of the bladder. An antimicrobial drug for cystitis in women provides rapid treatment of an acute inflammatory process and eliminates the signs of the disease within 24 hours. The medicine package contains a bag of powder for the preparation of the solution. The powder is dissolved in water (about 1/3 cup). You should take the medicine a few hours before or after meals; some experts advise taking the medicine at night, after emptying the bladder.
The composition includes a synthetic antimicrobial substance - a derivative of phosphonic acid. A broad-spectrum antibiotic suppresses the cellular synthesis of pathogenic molecules. Active against enterococci, staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, enterobacteria, proteus, klebsiella and other pathogens.
During an initial mild outbreak of the disease, a woman only needs a one-time dose of an antibiotic. If the disease is advanced and the symptoms do not completely go away after the first time, doctors recommend repeating the drug after a day. The drug is not usually used to treat chronic cystitis, except as an emergency treatment for flare-ups.
Therapy with uroseptics of the antibacterial group
Uroseptics of other groups are designed for a longer course of treatment - from 5-7 days. However, they also quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms and discomfort caused by urological inflammation. Most often, cystitis is treated with the following groups of antibiotics:
- Nitrofuran derivatives.The duration of treatment and the exact dose are determined by the attending physician. The average duration of the course is 10-14 days.
- Fluoroquinolones.According to their chemical structure, fluoroquinolones are classified as antimicrobial drugs, but in medicine they are used as widely used antibiotics.
Important!Drugs of the fluoroquinolone group have a wide range of applications, so the dose is prescribed by the attending physician based on the localization of the inflammatory process.
You can take the tablets before meals or between meals.
- Cephalosporins.Antibiotics of this type are often prescribed to treat advanced and chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system. Medicines are used in the form of injections, suspensions and oral capsules. When treating severe cystitis in women, intramuscular injections of cephalosporins give a quick effect. Some drugs can be purchased in the form of powders for suspensions or oral capsules. They are effective for the treatment of uncomplicated acute cystitis. The dosage form and dose of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the diagnostic results and the general state of health.
It is important to take uroseptics of the antibacterial group as prescribed by a urologist. During the consultation, you must inform the doctor about the presence of concomitant diseases and the medications you are already taking.
Patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency should be especially careful when treated with antibiotics. Such pathologies require careful prescription of drugs and individual dosage adjustment. Before taking the medicine, be sure to read the list of contraindications and possible side reactions.
Herbal preparations
Herbal medicines have a weaker bacteriostatic effect and are more aimed at relieving inflammation than fighting infection. Herbal preparations are prescribed in two cases:
- with mild inflammation of the mucous membranes, not complicated by a serious infection;
- in addition to antibacterial therapy.
This type of drug helps to quickly restore the integrity of the mucous membranes of the affected organ and has a strong diuretic effect. Thanks to the second factor, pathogenic microorganisms leave the body together with urine.
The average duration of the general course of treatment with herbal preparations is from 2 to 4 weeks. Patients notice a decrease in painful symptoms at the end of the first week of therapy. If the herbal preparation is taken in combination with an antibiotic, the therapeutic effect is achieved much faster, and the painful manifestations disappear already on the 3-4th day of treatment.
Fast-acting herbal remedies for cystitis for women can be bought without a prescription, but they should be used only as prescribed by a doctor - herbal ingredients do not guarantee the absence of contraindications and side effects. Medicines can have a quick effect only if their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action is sufficient to stop the inflammatory process.
This effect cannot be achieved if you are facing a serious infection or advanced cystitis. Therefore, a herbal medicine should be prescribed by a urologist after a diagnostic assessment of your condition.
The prescriptions of traditional doctors did not avoid the problem of cystitis. They promise to get rid of cystitis quickly using products based on:
- cranberries;
- the rose;
- fennel seeds;
- horse tail;
- daisies.
From the above ingredients, decoctions, tinctures and herbal teas are prepared, designed to reduce inflammation and remove pathogens along with urine. It is worth noting that all folk remedies for cystitis have a strong diuretic effect. People with kidney problems should not be fooled by such recipes. Hypotensive patients should also use herbs with caution, as some plants have a vasodilating effect and can increase blood pressure.
Using exclusively the recipes of traditional medicine, it is important to make sure that you are not dealing with an infection. Herbal remedies have a very low bactericidal effect and will not have a noticeable effect on serious pathogens.
However, you can consult your doctor and use herbal infusions and teas as an addition to drug therapy.
General rules for the treatment of cystitis
When cystitis is treated with antimicrobial tablets, the effect is achieved quickly, but it is important to continue the therapy according to the doctor's recommendations - the elimination of symptoms does not mean complete recovery.
It is important to avoid factors that provoke cystitis. Try not to freeze, refrain from sexual intercourse during treatment and exclude salty and spicy foods from your diet.
Follow these recommendations:
- During the first days of treatment, while you are bothered by unpleasant symptoms, stay in bed.
- You can relieve the pain with antispasmodics; if the discomfort is minor, a warm heating pad applied to the stomach will help.
- Drink plenty of water - at least 2 liters a day. You should avoid juices, coffee and sugary soda.
- Carefully monitor genital hygiene. It is better to wash with warm water without soap. If you use gel for intimate hygiene, make sure that the composition does not contain fragrances.
- Wear comfortable cotton underwear. It is best to avoid tight styles and synthetic fabrics.
You should not treat cystitis yourself with drugs, as you can make a mistake with the choice of the drug, the dose and the duration of the course of treatment.
Any fast-acting antibacterial drug for cystitis cannot be taken without a diagnosis and prescription from a urologist - the wrong treatment threatens the development of resistance of the infectious pathogen to antibiotics.
Antibacterial uroseptics should not be abused or taken too often. The patient's self-management often leads to untreated infections, which provoke the development of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
It is important to understand that antimicrobial drugs can negatively affect the vaginal microflora and cause dysbiosis. In such a situation, many women find themselves in a vicious circle when, due to self-medication with antibiotics, the balance of opportunistic microorganisms is disturbed and pathogens from the vagina enter the urethra.
The wrong use of drugs can lead not only to the development of chronic cystitis, but also cause complications in the form of pyelonephritis.
Pyelonephritis is an infectious inflammation of the kidneys. In women, this disease is usually a complication of cystitis and is caused by a growing infection. This happens if an exacerbation of cystitis is ignored or treated with the wrong medications. As a result, an untreated or advanced infection rises higher into the kidneys through the ureters. One or both kidneys may become inflamed.
Symptoms of cystitis with pyelonephritis may persist or fade into the background. A characteristic sign of a kidney infection is localized back pain in the kidney area. Patients may also have fever and severe muscle weakness.
It will not be possible to cure pyelonephritis with fast-acting tablets for cystitis, herbal medicines or home herbs. The disease is diagnosed by a urologist or nephrologist after a urine analysis and ultrasound diagnostics. After which the patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs that treat both the kidneys and the bladder. Women are often prescribed prophylactic doses of antifungal or combined antibiotics to exclude gynecological infections from the clinical picture.
If you want to get rid of cystitis quickly and permanently, do not self-medicate. A qualified urologist will be able to choose effective medications for genitourinary diseases. Bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids and a proper diet will help speed up the recovery process. Remember that rapid relief of symptoms is not a reason to abandon therapy.